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Namaste Yogis,

Read Everything you Need to Know, before you Go.....

We are only a few teachers, we are not able to answer all your questions

we have them answered on the website.

PLEASE READ this page about the different classes we offer.

Take your time RELAX YOUR on Vacation


We are open every day EXCEPT for

Christmas 25 December  

& New Years Day 1 January ... 

In the event of Heavy Rains, which cause Flash Floods, destroying all the island 🏝️ jungle island roads, making it very unsafe and often causing terrible accidents; furthermore we have a METAL ROOF, so the loud rain hitting metal roof is NOT calming for the mind.  This is Mother Nature at her best.  We dont want to edanger lives for the sake of yoga.  This is ALSO YOGA,  finding the harmony betweenn the Dark Cloudy Rainy Days ...with the perfect Sunny days.  

we have a Announcement WhatsApp Group that will announce if the DROP-IN Yoga is cancelled.  Please Join the group o this button below 👇  Thank You.

 We do not have a reception area 

or any ladies working downstairs. 

Please no need to email, call, sms to ask if we are open - UNLESS, the Roads  are BLOCKED DUE TO HEAVY FLASH FLOODING RAINS,  especially in the Monsoon Season & TEACHERS and most students are unable to arrive & safely on the scooters.

Thank You for your Compassion.

Other than that, WE ARE OPEN for the CLASSES on the schedule

look at the times of the classes and arrive,

5 - 10 minutes before the YOGA DROP-IN Classes starts.

We Welcome you Up stairs for Yoga.

To Book for Aerial Yoga - Join the WhatsApp Aerial Yoga Group - to Book your Space.

Click and wait to be Approved (to keep all the Spammers out - )

Once approved send us your name/s the date (check which days and times the Aerial Yoga Classes are ... READ this page to see the different classes - we wont be able to answer your questions on email - since we are busy teaching or driving to classes)

EVERYTHING YOU NEED to KNOW about the classes, is on the website.  

Please Speak to the Yoga teacher  before or after the class  yoga and make your payments to the teacher.  

We Just have a Yoga Shala Space upstairs, with the view that will make you feel happy and grateful for Mother Nature.  

PLEASE NOTE:  THERE ARE NO RAIN COVERS on the sides, we have a metal roof  and therefore we WII Not be able to do yoga  in HEAVY Rains.

We  do not have any mosquito nets, fans, lights or changing rooms upstairs in the Yoga Shala.

Toilets are shared with our Landlords downstairs at Sandy Bay behind the Yoga Shala.

No BIKINI'S, Any Foods, coffee; tea; juice, Drink other than Water.  

This is Yoga ... 

Please join our drop in yoga classes.  

Arrive a few minutes before.

Scheduled Yoga Classes 2025

Beginners All WELCOME, to join "Beginners Aerial Yoga" &
all levels welcome to
(No need sms your arrival or Book, Just Join)
Yoga Classes
Anahata Yoga Shala March 2025
Price Packages are per PERSON & valid for 2 months 
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Life is a  B E A CH  
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Drop In Yoga Classes
Bookings Needed
- no emails, sms or calls - just arrive 5 minutes before

"Drop in Yoga" NO bookings required - Just Show Up 5-10 minutes before class starts.

No Need to sms for regular yoga - Just arrive BEFORE CLASS STARTS


With Respect - For So many reasons - Do Not Disturb Class while in progress!!!

Everything you need to know is on the website.  We do not have a reception area 

We choose to Live away from the Rat Race

we Foreigner teachers left behind in the West purposely to live here

& Welcome You to Paradise

Slow down Remember WHY you needed a HOLIDAY ... TO RELAX 

let us GUIDE into creating Heaven On Earth

Leave all your over thinking back in the western world -

for your future self

& Come back to your true nature 

Sat/Soul ~ Cit/Consciousness  &Ananda/ Bliss.

Find a Routine & a New Healthy Regime


Monday to Sunday 8.30 - 10am. Hatha / Vinyasa Flow

 All levels welcome Beginners Welcome

No bookings required.  

 - 7 days a week.

Sunday to Friday 6 days a week.

10.30-12pm Hatha/Yin Yoga

Drop Ins - "drop in class" No bookings required. 

10.30am-12pm. Hatha / Yin Flow 

Sunday to Fridays

Drop-in No bookings required. - Beginners All Welcome

12.30-1.45pm.  Aerial High Hammock

Beginners Class* 

Bookings required Minimum of 2 people .

Bookigs Close 2pm

Monday to  Thursday



Saturdays 10.30-11.45am

Beginners All Welcome

 Bookings required Minimum of 2 people .

Maximum weight 300kgs

Aerial Yin Yoga check the latest schedule

All levels welcome

3.30- 5pm. Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays 

 Bookings Close by 2pm

 Minimum of 2 people

3.30-5pm week day  afternoons. 

SMS Whatsapp Group.

We will instruct you are accepted into the group once in the group (Please be patient to be Accepted)

Name/s time & date

Beginners All Welcome

Maximum weight 300kgs

Aerial and Regular Yin Yoga in the afternoons

ONLY need minimum of 2 for Reserverd / Booked classes  in the afternoon 12.30 + classes = Regular  Yin Yoga & AERIAL YOGA - all the other yogas, "drop-in" meaning -no bookings 

just arrive 5 minutes before the class starts.

All our yoga & AERIAL Yoga classes are good for beginners to advanced.


Especially for Aerial Yoga IMPORTANT PREPARATIONS:


Please Take NOTE, we do NOT have any change rooms upstairs inside the shala,

PLEASE RESPECT THAI  CULTURE, CHANGE IN PRIVATE NOT ISIDE THE SHALA, as it is exposed and open to public viewing.

50m from  the Yoga Shala is 4 toilets and your  most welcomd to use them for FREE!

People are ALWAYS unaware...when Changing upstairs in the Yoga shala & they turn their naked back side and  butt to the hotel reception next door ...


Please Yogis BE MINDFGULL THAILAND is all about

Respect and we are guests in this counrty, as we should when goig any where   and  we behave with Respect  as guest to our Hosts and  Landlord .  Please Respect  the Thai Culture.

Please ensure You have an empty stomach 2-3 hours - no heavy meals -

you will feel nauseas and potentially throw-up and vomit your food.

No jewellery as it rips the hammoc fabrics.

Wear comfortable yoga leggings and t-shirt.

 Please NO JEWELLERY, for Aerial Yoga, we have a strict policy, as it rips the hammock.  

Please Be Mindful, Remove ALL jewellery ...not negotiable. No Jewellery or No Class.

Leave it at home.

Parking bikes at Sandy Bay Resort Haad Yao Beach 

Walk to the beach o the right hand side of the big building in front nt of you there are stairs 

We have no office of reception downstairs ... Just Yoga o the beach.

LEAVE your shoes downstairs

Arrive 5-10 minutes before the class starts promptly at 12.30 Moday to Thrusdays for High Hammock and Aerial Yin Yoga 

Please Do not arrive late and still need to change or remove your jewlery v

We are upstairs 


 We have yoga mats and equipment.   Everyone is Welcome. 

All people; all cultures, all languages, all countries, all colours,

 all genders, all ages from 13 years.

Respec Yourself 

Resepect Others

Respect Other People's Property & the Environment 

Open Your Heart & let Your Head Bow to your Heart.

- EQUALITY for All -

We are only a few teachers, while teaching nng yoga or  driving on the scooter to go to the next class, we are uable to answer your messages immediately,  


& Breathe

please be Patient, we weill get back to you.

Thank you for your Compassion, Patience and understanding.

Welcome to Island Life

CLASS packages

Class Packages are PER PERSON - NO SHARING, VALID FOR 2 Months.


5 or 10 or 20 or 30 classes Covers all Aerial & Yoga Classes  as they are the SAME PRICE.

Thai bhat  CASH ONLY or local Thai Bank Account - Scan Pay

Please Pay the Teacher

After you have Cleaned Your Mat & hang up to dry etc

Thank You Kindly

400/person for 1 class = thai. bhat/person

350/person - 5 class package = 1750 thai. bhat/person

300/person - 10 class pack = 3000 thai. bhat/person

250/ person - 20 class pack = 5000 thai.bhat/person

"Monthly Class Pack" 30 drop in Yoga Classes

6000 thai bhat. = 30 classes / thai. bhat/person

- Valid for 2 months from date of purchase.

Please speak to Any of the Yoga Teachers after your class about the price packages

Thank You. Namaste


Good Morning Hatha/Vinyāsa Yoga
Monday to Saturdays  (check schedule)  

8.30 -10am.

No Sms or Calls needed to Book - Just Arrive

Vinyāsa in sanskrit means - synchronized movement with breath in a special way.  Vinyasa like ashtanga, holds the poses for 5 breaths before smoothly flowing to the next pose. Building up the practise to a dyanmic pose.  Mixed with moments of Hatha, where we hold the poses a little longer than the fast past of Hatha - the teachers mix the 2 depending on the students levels.


Hatha Yin Flow. Sunday to Friday

No bookings required

Hatha hold the poses a little longer than Vinyasa and not as fast as Vinyasa.  Mixed with Yin poses its a beautiful way to stretch into the day.

Increase in focus and relaxation. Hatha yoga class sequences target areas of the body that hold the most tension and stress, like the shoulders, hips, and lower back, promoting relaxation in the body and mind.

Hatha yoga can also help boost abdominal strength and improve balance in less than a month of regular practice.

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Aerial Yin Yoga and Restorative.

Check the latest Schedule 
3.30-5 pm (90min)

Sms bookings required before Aerial Yoga WhatsApp Group. 

The Benefits of Yin Yoga 

Yin Yoga is a Restorative Yoga class.  Supported with cushions, blocks & straps students are positioned comfortably to hold the poses for upto 4-5 minutes per asana.

Extended holding time, deepens the stretches of the muscles releasing many tense knots in the muscles when done regularly.  

Yin yoga uses gentle, relaxing postures to alleviate tension, enhance breath awareness, and develop mindfulness.

Working with a specialized breathing to activate the vagus nerve, parasympathetic nervous system to Relax...  there by allowing your muscles to stretch even deeper and release all the toxins with gentle guided breathing techiques while you go deeper into a meditative state, listening to the waves, birds and nature around you.

Yin yoga may also help to:

  • balance emotions, increases balance and bodily awareness, enhance mental focus.

  • promote relaxationreleases tension, improve sleep.

  • improve flexibility, stretch connective tissue, boost circulation.

  • develop breath awarenessrelieves joint pressure and spinal compression

  • Enhances core strength, easier access to inverted postures

  • Improves breath awareness, releases endorphins.

Classes are suitable for beginners and people out of recovery.  Classes last 90 minutes and include pranayama breathing exercises.

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Beginners Aerial Yoga High Hammock

12.30 - 1.45pm

Monday to  Thursday //

** Friday is for Anahata Yoga Shala **


10.30 - 11.45am

Beginners Aerial Yoga HIGH Hammock - all levels-
Book your space - via Aerial Yoga Whatsapp Group Click the Buttton below.

The Benefits of  Aerial Yoga 

High Hammock Aerial Yoga requires a certain amount of flexibility & Fitness as it Deepens the stretches.


Relieves joint pressure and spinal compression that floor workouts can trigger.

Releases tension. Increases balance and bodily awareness. Enhances core strength. Improves breath awareness. Easier access to inverted postures. Releases endorphins.

Limited number of silk HammocksBook your space in advance.

Please dont try book via email, or any other social media - we wont get it in time and you will miss out ... 

its very simple

To BOOK your Hammock - space


with your Name the date and time

once you have joined our WhatsApp group 

If you are unable to attend class have

Respect for yourself and others and kindly cancel your space 

Thank You. Namaste

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Aerial Yin Yoga - Beginners Most Welcome

Checke the latest schedule

Restorative Aerial Yoga - great for beginners
Book your space before 2pm onn the day of classes SMS - via Whatsapp GROUP

The Benefits of Aerial Yin Yoga 

Fitness Deepens stretches.

Relieves joint pressure and spinal compression that floor workouts can trigger.

Releases tension. Increases balance and bodily awareness. 

Enhances core strength.

Improves breath awareness. Easier access to inverted postures.

Releases endorphins.

Limited number of silk Hammocks, Book your space in advance.

We offer regular "low Hammock" Aerial Yin Yoga -.

We do not have good cell phone coverage for phone calls  

- Please dont try book via email, or any other social media

To BOOK your Hammock - space

PLEASE Join the Aerial Yoga WHATSAPP Group, wait to be Accepted and follow the information onSMS

with your Name the date and time 

If you are unaable to attend class have respect and kinndly cancel your space 

Thank You, Namaste

Yoga Etiquette

What is Yoga?
To be United and be in Harmony with our Mind, with our Emotions and our bodies.
“Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodha,” is stated in the First of the 198 verses
Yoga Sutra 1.2. The heart o
f what Patanjali is addressing here is our consciousness as human beings.

The Sanskrit phrase “yogas chitta vritti nirodha” is commonly translated as 
“yoga is the stilling or controlling of the modifications or fluctuations of the mind.”


Word for word translation of yoga sutra 1.2

  • Yogas — To yoke, to join, to unite

  • Chitta — Mind, consciousness

  • Vritti — Modifications, fluctuations

  • Nirodha — Controlling, quieting of

Other popular translations

  • Yoga is the control of thought-waves in the mind. —Swami Prabhavananda

  • The restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is Yoga. —Swami Satchidananda

  • Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively toward an object and sustain that direction without any distractions. —T. K. V. Desikachari

Yoga Etiquette

1.) Be Mindful - Be Aware of others, other than yourself, with Respect.

Respect yourself 

Respect others

Respect Environment 


2.) Clothing - Cover your private parts - NO bikinis or exposing clothing- Yoga is about dropping your ego.  Leave Shoes DOWN Stairs - Not in the way where people walk.  We never practice Yoga with our shoes on.  Shoes bring in dirt onto the floor and we will lie on that floor and inhale the dirt. Yoga is never done with shoes or socks on.

3) Silence - Mouna in Sanskrit.  Come in to the space with Awareness, softly and quietly.  Yoga is about stilling the mind; be mindful of your neighbours and the world around us.  Some Yogis are arriving early 10 minutes and meditating,  Respect the Sacred Space and learn to Still your mind and be more mindful, concsious and aware, this will help you listen to the instructions given by the teacher and focus on your practice for you to get the "de-stressing" benfits of your yoga class.  No talking, as it is disrespectful to the others, yourself and the teacher.

4.) Empty Stomach - this means, No Coffee, Food, Snacks - with respect your stomach should empty 2-3 hours before with no heavy food.  It is ok to have a coffee 30 minutes before, just not in the Yoga Shala.  Of course you can bring your water.  

5.).  Cell Phones on Silent.  With Respect ask the teacher for permission and other students if they dont mind being filmed in your videos and photos.  Most people say yes - just every so often there's a No and this life. Respect and Accept.

6.) Respect Yourself  - Respect Others - Respect the Space, the Environment around you,  The Kingdom of Thailand and the Thai Culture and the Earth.

7.)  Honor Your Bodies Daily Limits, knowing this too shall pass.  Some days you have incredible energy and some days you have low energy and wake up with sore shoulder or something else.... Be in that moment, drop your ego and remember you are capable, surrendering to allowing the body to heal and enjoy.


8)  Drop Your EGO in the sea to chill .... and leave your shoes down stairs, come  up stairs get your yoga mat, some cushions/pillow, a strap and a block.  Sit up comfortably and Focus on your breath equal inhale equal exhale - think TRANQUILITY and Relaxation.

9.). After the "Asana" Practice  (Sanskrit word for "comfortable pose/position") the Miraculous capability of the body to Self-Heal is only truly possible if we take the short time to "rest and re-charge"  Welcome to ... Shivaasana translated into "corpse pose" forget about everything and surrendre - relax - freedom! When you wake-up your should feel refreshed and Re-Born.

10.)  Namaste - The Divine Sacred Soul Self, in me Honours and Bows to the Divine Sacred Soul Self in you.

Anahata Yoga Shala Koh Phangan Thailand.HEIC

Find us on GOOGLE MAPS: 
Park@SandyBay Resort

🅿️ Parking -  at Sandy Bay Resort, (Right next to Seaboard Bungalows.)

Drive down the drive way - TURN LEFT at the bottom of the cement driveway - on the sand.  See all the motorbikes - Park and Walk towards the beach, See the big WHITE Building in fronnt of you - in front of the building you will see massage ladies & you will see us upstairs... BEST VIEW EVER!

Anahata Yoga Shala - Haad Yao Beach - Koh Phangan, Thailand offers Yoga Teacher Training Course-Yoga Alliance Certified - Yoga Holidays; Aerial Yoga; Beginners Yoga; Yoga Retreats; Detox Yin Yoga; Meditation; Yoga Philosophy; Yoga Therapy; DROP-IN-YOGA; All people Welcome; RYT 200hour 1 month full time Yoga Teacher Training Course Yoga Alliance - affordable with private luxury beach bungalows - limited spaces - contact us to book your limited space today.

We are OPEN everyday for Yoga Except

25 December 


1 January 

Flash Flooding Heavy Rains & the Police Close All the Roads for Safety & teachers cannot drive on scooters .❤️



​Aeriall Yoga Bookings

SMS ONLY NO CALLS, we do ot have a RECEPTIONIST only a few teachers, & they  are teaching.  It is a simply business setup.

Aerial Yoga Whatsapp group to book  your limited space.  Click the GREEN Button And wait to be accepted.  

READ THE IMPORTANT information on how to best prepare & join with your name +time+date  

 (NO Calls!)

Book via SMS Names + Day + Time 

Aerial Yoga WhatsApp Group
only for Aerial Yoga Bookings

Contact Us

54, Haad Yao Beach,
Koh Phangan,
Surat Thani 84280

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • YouTube

Dear Random Yoga teachers - Sorry we Do NOT Rent Anahata Yoga  Shala!  Rather join one of our many classes on the schedule.

P.S. Get  the right  visa - WORK PERMIT!

with Respect Accept the Answer Namaste

with Love the Owner 

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